Because an eradication initiative is a major societal investment, nothing short of a systematic, comprehensive analysis of feasibility is needed to support the decision-making processes involved in launching a new initiative. Challenges, opportunities, and issues associated with success or failure must be fully examined before the decision is made to move from control to elimination to eradication. The eradication investment case (EIC) has been conceived as the body of data upon which such evaluations will be based. To assist in its development, a "Guide to Preparing an Eradication Investment Case" has been prepared. This Guide is the result of numerous interactions and contributions. It began at the steering committee meeting (Frankfurt, Sept. 28–30, 2009) for the 7th Ernst Strüngmann Forum, when Regina Rabinovich articulated the need to focus discussion around the conceptualization of an EIC.
At the Forum (Frankfurt, Aug. 29–Sept. 3, 2010), a working group endeavored to conceptualize the EIC and identify its key components (see Thompson et al. and Walker and Rabinovch). However, it became clear that additional work would be needed to transform the concept into a form that would ensure implementation.
Click here for further information on the Ernst Strüngmann Forum.
The resulting publication, edited by Stephen L. Cochi and Walter R. Dowdle, is available from MIT Press.
An overview of the book is available here (PDF).
Spearheaded by Damian G. Walker, a follow-up meeting was planned and additional expertise engaged. Held in Boston on Dec. 9–10, 2010, this meeting was attended by Deborah Atherly, David Bishai, Lesong Conteh, Claudia I. Emerson, B. Fenton Hall, Raymond Hutubessy, James V. Lavery, Jacqueline Leslie, Ann Levin, Julia Lupp, Maria W. Merritt, Regina Rabinovich, Radboud J. Duintjer Tebbens, Fabrizio Tediosi, Kimberly M. Thompson (moderator), Anna Vassall, Maya Vijayaraghavan, and Damian G. Walker (rapporteur). An extensive process of revision and review followed, coordinated by Julia Lupp, and has resulted in this Guide.
Click here to download the Guide.
The Ernst Strüngmann Forum facilitated and provided financial support for the 7th Forum on “Disease Eradication in the Context of Global Health in the 21st Century”—from theme development through the steering committee meeting, Forum, and resultant publication. It has also facilitated the ongoing revision and review process for this Guide.
Supplemental financial support for the 7th Ernst Strüngmann Forum was received from the German Science Foundation.
Stephen L. Cochi served as the scientific chairperson of the Forum. The steering committee was comprised of R. Bruce Alyward, Stephen L. Cochi, John O. Gyapong, David Molyneux, Eric A. Ottesen, and Regina Rabinovich.
Stephen L. Cochi and Walter R. Dowdle were the volume editors of the Strüngmann Forum Report, and provided guidance and critical review of this Guide. Additional input was received from external reviewers and is gratefully acknowledged.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided the financial support for the Boston meeting, and Kimberly Thompson hosted the meeting at Kid Risk, Inc.
Administrative support was provided by Marina Turner, Michaela Koller, Karen Britts, and Mara Hansen.